Risk & Vulnerability Assessments

Security Assessment

K17 Security conducts security assessments in a relevant and practical manner. It does little good for a client to simply hear that they are lacking in the appropriate level of security measures and then list out all the deficiencies. Our team uses our strong background in law enforcement and how crimes are actually committed in the Maryland, DC and Northern Virginia region.

We start with the basics of cameras, lighting and access control and then dig deeper

Our security survey will assess the overall site security for the property. We have provided similar assistance to other properties that share many commonalities such as age, size, layout, number of units, etc. Our team is trained in Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). CPTED relies on an awareness of how people use space for legitimate and illegitimate purposes. The approach uses design to discourage those who may be contemplating criminal acts, and to encourage activity and witness by legitimate users. The focus of CPTED is on creating defensible space by employing: natural access controls, natural surveillance, territorial reinforcement and target hardening.

The CPTED approach is one of the many guidelines we use when conducting a security survey. Some of the items we will assess include:

Our focus and suggestions will provide you with guidance on how you can best protect your people and property.

Physical Penetration Testing / Red Team

Uncover Vulnerabilities Before They Become Threats.

Identifying weaknesses before they can be exploited is critical to maintaining a robust security posture. Our comprehensive Penetration Testing and Red Team services are designed to reveal deficiencies in your systems, processes, and personnel before malicious actors can take advantage.

We rigorously test every layer of your security, ensuring that your access controls function as intended, your surveillance systems have no critical blind spots, and your staff adheres to established security policies. From evaluating the effectiveness of your security team to testing the resilience of your physical security infrastructure, we simulate real-world attack scenarios using adversary-focused techniques.

By proactively uncovering vulnerabilities, we help you strengthen your defenses, reduce risk, and ensure that your organization is fully prepared to counter any potential threats. Let us test your security so you can be confident in your protection.



Protect what matters most. Reach out to us today.

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